Need To Watch

  1. The Shawshank Redemption

  2. Pulp Fiction

  3. Inception

  4. The Matrix

  5. Mad Max: Fury Road

  6. Parasite

  7. The Dark Knight

  8. The Godfather

  9. Fight Club

  10. Forrest Gump

  11. Blade Runner 2049

  12. Schindler's List

  13. A Clockwork Orange

  14. The Grand Budapest Hotel

  15. Spirited Away

  16. Her

  17. Moonlight

  18. The Social Network

  19. 12 Angry Men

  20. The Lion King

Have Watched

  1. Interstellar - Your Score: 10/10
  2. Whiplash - Your Score: 8/10
  3. Goodfellas - Your Score: 9/10
  4. Jaws - Your Score: 7/10
  5. The Revenant - Your Score: 8/10
  6. The Big Lebowski - Your Score: 9/10
  7. WALL-E - Your Score: 7/10
  8. The Silence of the Lambs - Your Score: 8/10
  9. Gone with the Wind - Your Score: 7/10
  10. The Princess Bride - Your Score: 9/10
  11. The Departed - Your Score: 7/10
  12. Casablanca - Your Score: 6/10
  13. Drive - Your Score: 7/10
  14. The Usual Suspects - Your Score: 9/10
  15. Gladiator - Your Score: 8/10
  16. The Truman Show - Your Score: 7/10
  17. The Shining - Your Score: 9/10
  18. Coco - Your Score: 8/10
  19. La La Land - Your Score: 9/10
  20. A Beautiful Mind - Your Score: 7/10
  21. The Wolf of Wall Street - Your Score: 8/10
  22. Donnie Darko - Your Score: 7/10
  23. Superbad - Your Score: 10/10